In Kraing Rhong village we had selected one family to be the demo family in the village and we had provided the water tank to those family for growing vegetable and other consumption.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Build the water tank for demo family
In Kraing Rhong village we had selected one family to be the demo family in the village and we had provided the water tank to those family for growing vegetable and other consumption.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The jar training in Kraing Rhong Village
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
PROGRESS REPORT ( First time that i wrote)
Progress Report Project in Krang Rhong Village
Livelihood Programme
Date: 18 March 2010
To: Vichetr Uon Executive Director
From: Pholla Kang
Project name: Livelihood Programme (Processing of jar building and tank of demo family)
Introduction: SSF Foundation is a nonreligious, non-political, and independent humanitarian organization devoted to ending human trafficking and helping poor children and families gain economic independence in impoverished communities.The SSF has special one programwith strong goals and strong strategy called the Livelihood program this program will be of assistance the poor and poorest people to give them better living. SSF has also worked closely with beneficiary in the Somrong district. In early March / 2010 SSF opened one jar training building for the villagers in Kraing Rhong village and has provided the materials for to make tank for the demo family (Aek Ren) in this village.
Project Description: SSF we believe in a proactive and innovative approach to protecting children from all forms of violence, exploitation, abuse and discrimination. As such, it is our mission to achieve lasting improvements for children living in poverty in Cambodia's poorest communities, through a process that unites people across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives. We do this through: enabling deprived children, their families and their communities to meet their basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their societies; inspiring deprived children, their families and their communities to socially and economically empower themselves to be agents of change in their own lives and for a more equitable world; and, preventing and responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against children- including commercial sexual exploitation, trafficking, child labor and harmful traditional practices, such as female genital mutilation/cutting and child marriage.
Progress Summary
1/ jar building: since early march 2010 SSF has provided the jar training to villagers in the Kraing Rhong community from the 5th march 2010 to the 14th march 2010 the training has been successful in training three trainee ( Not Vanak, Yem Thoch, and Mom Samath) has affirmed that they could be buildable without trainer. During training the community and trainee show great solidarity and are happy to learn. we achieved building 8 jars and after the training finished the trainees have continued to build jars for improve their skills. Until now they could only build amount 12 jars, to build more than this we had set up a new mold to speed up their works because to build one jar we spend one day so setting up a new mold is faster. The advantage of jar training is not only that the trainee has the knowledge and skills but that they can use the skill to work for their life in the future, also we are stronger knowing more about the attitude of the villagers when it works in solidarity.
2/ Building the tank of demo family: in Kraing Rhong community our team has selected one family to be the demo family (Aek Ren) and we had a program to encourage this family by providing the tank for water storage to use in irrigation. We studied this case more before we start to provide the until on 04th march 2010 when we purchased material to build the jars including material to build the tank. We started to build the tank from 07th march 2010 until now, this task is mostly finish.
Problem Encountered:
Before this program started we had encountered some problem with the construction shops that we had selected when we went to purchase the material they didn’t open the shop so we had to change to another shop immediately.
We were so upset with the outsource trainer who had promised to teach the village but didn’t arrived on time so the training has delayed for one day and we had to contact to another outsource trainer in Bach Chan market who charged a higher fee.
On the top this problems were still occuring in the program when we had a trainer and material enough as the mold that we had bought already the outsource trainer couldn’t use so we had to buy a new mold immediately through the outsource trainer.
Changes in Requirements: in this program it has not been necessary make changes in the schedule because this program was off schedule.
Overall Assessment of the Program:
- In the overall project of jar building we have found that are going well
- The tank building with the demo family is going well also
Date: 18-Mar-2010
Made in Kampong Speu Province
Approved By: Uon Vichetr, Executive Director Write By: Pholla Kang, LPC
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Growing in bag for reduce water using and where have no land to grow
Friday, March 19, 2010
Providing the new technique save water in growing vegetable

As we know that in Cambodia country is the country depend on agriculture file but now the climate change hight level event the humanity difficult to survival and plant also so the farmer are very difficult to growing the crops and lack of water to use in irrigation specially in Kampong Speu province is no water enough to use in agriculture daily consumption as well. due to this reason i we had to find the new technique save water in growing vegetable. This idea we had provide the family live Ampel Phhame village, Kompong spue that family are very poor in the village and the big family live with 11 household member and widow women leader. I had propose this family to set up the garden with our technique.