Wednesday, January 5, 2011

December Report

Agronomes Veterinaries Sans Frontieres
Sanrem Project
December, 2010 Report

1.Executive Summary

Project Name : SANREM
Project Location : Ratanak Modol District, Battambang Province,Cambodia
Monitor : Pholla Kang
Blogs: //
Mobile: (+855) 089932766
Report : December, 2010

Strong lively on upland cash crops with smallholders in the recent year: officially 300 000 ha in 9 years, likely much more with illegal land conquest done on “public land” uplands represent most of the country land reserve, today mostly classified as “public land but potentially “a locatable” to smallholders through the legal tool “Land Social Concession” For instance Battambang province one of the 2 last stronghold of the Khmer Rouge guerrilla, until the late 90’s and geographic position, western districts of Battambang and Pailin provinces present a specific agrarian situation: larger farm majority between 5-10 ha, upland cultivation and annual cash crop development since early 2000’s under the strong demand of Thai market; initially Soybean was dominant, then Corn, then brutal turn to Cassava mono-cropping. All cropping systems based on ploughing inducing a rapid decline of the soil fertility (OM mineralization, erosion despite good initial level –basaltic and calcareous substratum) and increase of production’s cost (increasing weeds pressure associate to labour price)
According to rapid decline of soil fertility become seriously, to solve this trouble one project namely PADAC-SANREM is implemented through an official partnership between the French government and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia (MAFF). The main implementing partners are the GDA (General Directory for Agriculture of the MAFF) and the French agricultural research organisation CIRAD. The French NGO AVSF contributes to support Farmers' Organizations (FO) on structuring and marketing, based on 20 years of intervention in the country, one technical was extended call DMC ( Direct Sowing Mulching Base Cropping System ). This technique could be solve rapid decline of the soil fertility and have been designed for Corn, Cassava, Soybean and upland Rice as main crops and can potentially integrates secondary crops as Sesame, Cowpea, Sorghum, pearl Millet, Buckwheat … ; cover crops are principally made with 2 fodder species - Brachiaria ruziziensis (Poaceae) and Stylosanthes guianensis (Legumes).

3.Summary of Activities
- Follow up farmer selling maize and harvesting the farmer that joint with project
- Attending Coordinate Meeting at AVSF in PP For three day
- Insert maize yields data both DMC and Traditional
- Invited farmer to joint exchange visit in Kom Cham
- Communicated with new farmer that intends to participate with project and survey with other farmer in village.
- Take maize sample and flailed weight, temperature, and moisture measuring in Boribo village.
- Discuss with farmer about problem happened in this year such as low yield, insect damaged and weed.
- Insert economic analysis DMC and Non DMC of maize production
- Attending staff retreat at AVSF Kohkong and Kompong Som province during 4 day
No Name of Beneficiary Land size (ha) Yields Kg Selling Price
1 Hul Sockhar 0.96 5485 950 reil/kg
2 Hul Sockhorl 1.10 2781 700 reil/kg
3 Hul Sorn 0.69 2500 980 reil/kg
4 Chear Pholl 0.77 1500 950 reil/kg
5 Chear Chean 4.70 10314 950 reil/kg
6 Ken Lorm 1.58 3700 920 reil/kg
7 Tom Thy 0.77 1418 955 reil/kg
8 Koa Nap 1.08 4000 935 reil/kg
9 Chem Chorn 1.20 4300 935 reil/kg
10 Hem Kay 2.12 8360 1000 reil/kg
11 Prom Oun 0.50 500 861 reil/kg
- Maize yields data of 10 beneficiary joint with project (2010) apply DMC technique
- Totally maize yield is 44358 Kg/14.97 ha which has 10 beneficiary in Boribo village, the highest yield per ha is 5713.5 kg (Hul Sockar Land) and lowest is 1841.5 kg (Tom Thy Land).
- Economic Analysis Income/ha data of Maize production that apply DMC Technique

4.Other Activities
- Communicate with other farmer to study what the interesting with our project or technique
- To build up relationship community and project staff by communication
- To build up relationship with other staff at AVSF during staff retreat, and got more experiences.
5.Major Challenge
Mr. Chim Chorn said: for this year I thought that the maize could get the yield at less 5.5 t/ha because maize density and status are very well but contrary maize get only 4.3t/1.2ha, am really don't believed for this result if I don't harvest by my self. The major factor of this problem I found that one sowing late, two maize seed variety, and insect damage, he added. He request that have to sowing to be on time as the farmer in village, and variety selective should be carefully before buying or allow farmer to get by them self.
Some beneficiary want to move their house to other place so it is difficult in collaboration, so they could sell their land that apply technique such as Chear Pholl and Chear Chean family they had advertise to sell the land to get those cash to buy other land low price and has more fertility.

6.Lession Learn
- To know more about attitude farmer during harvesting and selling processing in village.
- Participating in staff retreat and coordinate meeting

7.Future Plan
- Follow up farmer plots
- Attending community meeting
- Broadcasting technique wildly to other villager
- Gathering farmer repay back
- Survey with other farmer in village that intend to joint project
- GPS marking point along plot that apply DMC technique and other that take soil sample
- Attending staff retreat with PADACK
- Meeting with farmer to discuss 2011 planning in collaboration with DMC technical
- Report and Planning and clear advance for next month
N Description Unite price ( $ ) Quantity Price ( $ )

Date: 30, December,2010
Write By: Pholla kang, Monitor
Approved By:…………………………………… Blogspot//

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