Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to build the self confidence

How to build self confidence


1 Recognize your insecurities. What does that voice in the back of your mind say? Why do you feel ashamed of yourself? This could be anything from getting rid of acne, your regretting attitude, being over-weight or nagging friends at school. You need to identify reasons that make you feel unworthy, ashamed and inferior. Just pen them down and name them. You can also tear these written pieces to start feeling positive on those points.2

2 Don't see yourself as inferior to others. Whether it is related to your work, school or socializing skills, be conscious not to move around with a mindset that others are better or more qualified than you. To a certain degree, it is good to walk around with a feeling of superiority. However, do not take this attitude too far or else you would be perceived as a jerk.3

3 Talk about it with friends and loved ones. Wear it on your sleeves. Practice to remove it everyday but there is no quick fix. You need to find the root cause of the problem. You need to work on your shortcomings before you can move on.4

4 Remember that no one is perfect. Even the most confident person has certain insecurities. Lifes circumstances make us realize that we lack something. Accept the reality as there are several bumps down the life’s road.5

5 Identify your abilities. Everyone is good at something. Try to discover what you excel in and then focus on your talent. Learn to take pride in them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Inferiority is a state of mind in which you have declared yourself a victim. Do not do that. Find something that interests you or pick up art, music or writing to express yourself. Everyone is born with a specific ability. You can develop and excel in yours. If naming your interest gets difficult, see what others enjoy doing or simply move out of your comfort zone to join an enthusiasts club. Following your passion works as a therapy making your mind feel unique and accomplished. This therapy in a way implants confidence in you. Having multiple interests boosts your confidence and increases your chance of meeting compatible friends.6

6 Be thankful for what you have. At times, insecurity and lack of self-confidence stems from need for emotional validation, simply luck, or money. By acknowledging and appreciating what you do have, you can combat the feelings of being incomplete and unsatisfied. One needs to have a peaceful mind rather than the worldly possessions. Just remember one thing that all of us are the blessed ones. It is the path that creates all the difference.7

7 Be Positive, even if you don't feel the same way. Self-compassion and sympathy from others is not the answer here. Never allow others to make you inferior. Love yourself and speak positively about your future progress and qualities. By doing so, you condition your mind for a positive outlook.8

8 Accept compliments gracefully. Do not show any attitude. Take it to heart and respond positively. "Thank you" or a smile works well.9

9 Look in the mirror and smile. According to the ‘facial feedback theory’, facial expressions send strong messages to the brain which in turn, would register them. A day-to-day smiling would make you content and confident in the long run. Talking in front of the mirror too improves your communication skills.

10 Fake it. With that, acting confidently all times makes you start believing in yourself. Notice your feelings and also how others perceive you.11

11 Stick to your principles. Believing in principles does not stand for rigidness. It empowers you to stand for a cause or else you would fall for anything. Build this habit today no matter in what area you are heading.

12 Help others. Kind gestures to others make a positive difference in your life. Be thankful to the valet who serves you the morning tea. Likely, you can provide a nearby elementary school with funds or stationeries. Bake something for your neighbor for no reason. Confidence thus earned would be long-lasting.13

13 Don't Care What Other People Think thinking from others point of view would only put you on hold. Use your mind and do what you desire.14

14 Remember Be ready to ignore innuendos for a simple reason that nobody is perfect.15

15 Look at yourself in the mirror and list the positive qualities that you have. This would work on self-worth.16

16 Work hard. Keep on doing your work honestly. Have a target in your life and focus on it. Do anything to reach that target and see how confidence surfaces.

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